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FEV news

II Convocatoria Poder Pacífico: Maestría en Gobierno 2016-2018
Énfasis en Construcción de Paz para el Pacífico
Fecha límite: 03 de diciembre de 2015


La Fundación Ford da continuidad y apoyo la II Cohorte de la Maestría en Gobierno 2016 - 2018 para formar 60 profesionales de la región con énfasis en Construcción de Paz. Este énfasis corresponde a la necesidad que tiene la región de convertirse en un escenario para la paz posible que parte de la apuesta de liderazgos dispuestos a construirla desde diferentes estructuras de poder para el bienestar de sus comunidades. De igual forma, el nuevo socio, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) con el Fondo Coreano de Reducción de la Pobreza (KPR – siglas en inglés), apoyarán durante el proceso de convocatoria y posteriormente apoyará el fortalecimiento de competencias de los líderes preseleccionados. Es un programa acreditado por el INDES, con acceso al programa de pasantías que se creará para la Red Poder Pacífico con el Banco.


Para mayor información visite la pagina web:


ALFA Costa Rica is born
17 October 2015, Costa Rica.


A group of 25 gathered for a day of joy through facilitation techniques. At the end, we established the Costa Rican chapter of the Latin American Facilitators Association (ALFA). 


​Vilma Peña and Jan Hurwitch  have been involved in the organizing committee. ​We encourage you to develop your facilitation skills which will strengthen your leadership qualities and your teaching/ learning abilities.



2° Gathering on Intergenerational Co-responsability on Climate Change

EARTH University, 5 & 6  of November, 2015, Costa Rica


An alliance between generations to improve upon the worldwide answers to climate change and our advancement towards sustainable development.

It was an honor for FEV to participate in such a compelling gathering attended by young people and other profesionals from different nations. Almost 700  signatures were collected to be presented at COP21 in Paris at the end of November, and early december 2015.

Coordinated by Jeanette Cardenas;

attended by Solhanlle Bonilla and Jan Hurwitch




Successfull culmination of the virtual course on Scenario Planning 

Our first virtual course on Scenario Planning included the participation of facitilators and Costa Rican participants. In total, eight nationalities were represented. A great success of very visionary people!


Jan Hurwitch

Jeanette Cardenas

Maria Eva Lorenzo

Fabiola Bernal

Susana Dancourt

Xinia Lopez

Evelyn Castro

Ronald Esquivel

Celebrating World Labyrinth Day 

May 2nd 2015, Costa Rica

Dimensions-Cricle of Stones Labyrinth.



In the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights

March 2015, Costa Rica


InterAmerican Court of Human Rights with JH and are received by senior lawyers Julie  Recinos and Jorge Calderon.  


From left to right:


Jan Hurwitch​, FEV founder​

Erica Bol, Dutch educator visiting ​Costa Rica​

Julie Recinos, Guatemalan, senior lawyer at the Court, gender specialist

Jorge Calderon, Mexican, senior lawyer at the Court, native peoples specialist

Gloria Bernal, Colombian lawyer visiting Costa Rica



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