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Milena Araya Araya 


Some info on me, 

The second child of an abundant family,

For always searching for knowledge,  Love,

The spiritual, the soul…life and death.

Vegetarian since the age of 30 to avoid mistreating animals,

I have participated in diverse humanistic groups for the purpose of contributing to personal and community development.

I have travelled through the classrooms of the world and have studied secretarial, computer, english, photography, neurolinguistic programming and industrial engineering. 

I shall create a foundation to help low-income kids complete their primary education, as well as to provide the tools for self-knowledge regarding integral selves.

I begin my actual development with an artistic message which  permits a deepening into the interior of Being.


My name is: Milena de los Ángeles Araya Araya, Costa Rica

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