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Anne Robert


Hello! I am Anne, very pleased to find myself in such select company! 


I always find it difficult to write a profile, since I feel like a fluid and elusive person: there are many facets that sometimes appear to me as extremely defining of who I am, and that, at other times, cease to be such a priority... a kaleidoscope in which I look at myself and I am surprised.


When I look around me and see human societies that are so sick and poor, in the sense of existential and economic poverty, and despite having looked for more than 60 years, I still feel a mixture of compassion and anger that has moved me a lifetime, interspersed with an enormous curiosity to explore and share these many worlds of emotions, knowledge and relationships that intertwine and often go unrecognized.



All my life I have acted as a "freelance" both professionally and in reflection. Along this path, I have found some families of thought and action with whom I collaborated on various projects, always around formal and informal education in Costa Rica, Central America, Colombia and Ecuador (business training and communication systems in my youth, then, work with women, development of alternative pedagogical methodologies and materials, particularly in the field of rural development, university collaboration in doctoral studies in education).


So it can be said that I am an “expert” in systems and processes for promoting learning.


All my life I have searched or been searched for, the realization of a balance between my selves, between the different planes of being and my environment. This has been another constant, which makes me interested in developing a life that I can enjoy, with coherence between thought, ethics and actions both professionally and personally, and also thinking and not-thinking "outside the box", visions and pedagogical actions-others, own ethical and aesthetic vision.

I thank Jan and her team for giving me a place in this adventure that we all started together.


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